Video of the anime Fate / stay night: Unlimited Blade Works dedicated to Rin Tohsaka

f:id:berniceee:20140818134857j:plainThe new anime Fate / stay night: Unlimited Blade Works ufotable cover Unlimited Blade Works route of the original game and will consist of two seasons, and now its official website presents a video dedicated to Rin Tohsaka. The first season will premiere on October 4, while the second will in April 2015. 
The direction of the series will be provided by Takahiro Miura (Fate / Zero) under ufotable, where Atsushi Ikariya (Fate / Zero, Hataraku Maou-sama), Tomonori Sudo and Hisayuki Tabata responsible for adapting the anime original character designs by Takashi Takeuchi, Nasu Kinoko appearing as responsible for the original story. 

Mashiro Ayano play the opening of the first part of the anime with "perfect white", while the group Kalafina will do the first ending.
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